We all know that our 21st century environment is toxic, and the amount of chemicals and pollutants being produced continues to increase. Our nervous system and immune system seem to be the most vulnerable to toxic exposures.
Fortunately, our bodies have some capacity to neutralize and removed toxins, especially the liver, but these functions often need help and can be overwhelmed. Detoxification is largely ignored in medical school, but the doctors at Bock Integrative Medicine have extensive experience and training in environmental medicine and techniques to remove toxins from the body, including oral and intravenous therapies.
There is no question that molds produce toxins (just try eating a poisonous mushroom) and that these toxins can migrate freely in the environment, but it can be very difficult to prove that mold toxins are causing illness in a particular person.
There have been previous studies showing the neurologic effect of air pollution. A series of studies on children and dogs in Mexico City(an area of very high air pollution) showed defects in cognitive function and executive function.
In addition to their content of potentially toxic phthalates, plastics are also a major source of Bisphenol A. This compound has been reported to be associated with disorders of reproductive health, some cancers, heart disease, other endocrine problems and neurotoxicity in children-especially behavioral problems such as anxiety, depression and hyperactivity.
Although there are no definitive conclusions, there have been many studies showing effects of EMF’s on immune function, neurologic function, and the blood brain barrier. Some researchers have raised the possibility that the dramatic increase in neuroimmune conditions such as Autism and PANDAS may be due in part to the significant increase in the EMF fields world wide over the past few decades.
Mercury is a known neurotoxin and immunotoxin. It crosses the placenta and prenatal exposure at low levels can lead to developmental delays. Based on reports from FDA, EPA and The Environmental Working Group, the following guidelines should be considered: