Autism Spectrum Disorders
Bock Integrative Medicine is known worldwide for its work with biomedical approaches to autistic spectrum disorders. Our approach is multifaceted, comprehensive and individualized, and usually entails a variety of approaches: metabolic balancing, dietary modification, gastrointestinal restoration, immune system regulation, and avoidance/elimination of environmental toxins.
Identified Prevalence of Autism Spectrum Disorder
From specialized diet and supplement regimens to a variety of alternative therapies, parents have a wealth of complementary options from which to choose. One integrative approach, however, is showing exceptional, research-backed promise: healing the gut.
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is growing at an alarming rate! CDC surveillance reports show the prevalence of ASD in American children is about 1 in 68.
I use a picture of what I call the immune or toxic threshold "kettle" to help patients understand the effects of genetic or environmental influences on the immune system.
There have been previous studies showing the neurologic effect of air pollution. A series of studies on children and dogs in Mexico City(an area of very high air pollution) showed defects in cognitive function and executive function.
Sulforaphane improves antioxidant function, detoxification, and affects parts of the immune system related to fevers (which are known to often be associated with improved behavior in ASD)
Dr. Bock appeared on Fox n Friends to discuss two newsworthy recent studies.
Medical diagnostic coding books have historically defined autism as a psychiatric or behavioral disorder. However, autism is not a psychiatric disorder, but a medical disorder with neurobehavioral symptomatology. In fact, it appears to be a chronic systemic inflammatory disorder that also affects the brain.
I have termed the new childhood epidemics “The 4-A Disorders”, and they include autism, ADHD, asthma and allergies. Over the past quarter of a century, autism has increased a staggering 1500%, while ADHD, asthma and allergies have also skyrocketed. I find these meteoric increases staggering, and they beg the question: Why?
I have termed the new childhood epidemics “The 4-A Disorders”, and they include autism, ADHD, asthma and allergies. Over the past quarter of a century, autism has increased a staggering 1500%, while ADHD, asthma and allergies have also skyrocketed. I find these meteoric increases staggering, and they beg the question: Why?