Brain Inflamed

Brain Inflamed

Over the past decade, the number of 12- to 17-year-olds suffering from mental health disorders has more than doubled. While adolescents and teens are notorious for mood swings and rebellion, parents today are navigating new terrain as their children are increasingly at risk of struggling with a mental health issue. But the question remains: What is causing this epidemic of illness?

Smart people eat chocolate...

Throughout history many cultures globally have recognized the medicinal effects of chocolate. The Mesoamericans used chocolate to treat an assortment of ailments as far back as 600 B.C., a precious and scarce commodity, only reserved for priests, government officials and royalty. Throughout history we've witnessed the waxing and waning popularity of chocolate.  Fast forward several thousand years, our scientific interests are peaked yet again.  Heated debates have occurred over this delectable treat and it's health benefits. Delicious treat? Of course! Notable health benefits? Questionable until now.

Recently, scientists have a new found interest in chocolate and its components as a nutraceutical. Two components in particular that are gaining popularity for their positive health effects are polyphenols and flavonoids both components of dark chocolate.

Robust systematic reviews have unearthed eight studies showing components of chocolate  having improved effects upon mood. Of these, three of which show clear evidence of cognitive enhancement with the use of cocoa flavonoids and two studies showing acute cognitive improvement with the use of cocoa polyphenols.Polyphenols are known to increase cerebral blood flow and provide anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effect.

Polyphenols are found in coffee, tea, berries, nuts and other foods. Flavanoids improve circulation, specifically microcirculation in the cerebral vasculature. They also provide neuroprotective properties and are found in most fruit and veggie source. Makes sense right?!

Long-term consumption of cocoa shows cognitive performance in the area of processing, attention and working memory! Choosing those sweet treats with the highest levels of cacao are best and of course GMO free and organic.  So enjoy those brain sharpening, mood boosting treats daily...I know that I will! Doctor's orders!





Ketogenic diets show promise with Neurological diseases..

We have known for decades the positive effects of ketogenic diets upon epilepsy and other seizure disorders. Slowly we are beginning to correlate inflammatory conditions and immune dysfunction with ASD and other neurological disease risks in children.

So how does this work?

Ketogenic diets in essence restrict glycolysis and increases fatty acid oxidation forcing the neurological cells to rely upon the resulting ketone bodies for energy vs. glucose.

These ketone bodies seem to enhance cellular metabolism and improve mitochondrial function. This alternative energy pathway contributes to a cascade effect of much needed processes lacking in those with neuroinflammatory and mitochondrial diseases such as autism spectrum disorder, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, epilepsy and ALS.

It is thought that Ketone bodies via increased cellular signaling assist with restoration of neurotransmitter and ion channel functions. Ketone bodies also change metabolism and neuronal excitability thought to increase ATP. Increasing ATP ultimately raises adenosine levels in the brain and restores DNA methylation. Ketone bodies also influence regulatory effects upon glutamate by blunting it's release.

Research shows that adenosine plays a major role in cognition often a symptom of neurological conditions and glutamate in high doses can contribute to agitation, social anxieties, insomnia, severe mood swings, mania and addictive behaviors.

The ketone bodies generated from the diet seem to alter the brains processing of glutamate, an excitatory neurotransmitter. Through a complex process it seems as if ketones trigger more production of GABA which assists with a glutamate purge.  The benefit is less provocation by an excitatory neurotransmitter.

Adenosine can translate ketone provoked metabolic changes into enhanced energy metabolism of the brain.

Anecdotally as a practice, we find positive changes with cognition and sociability with our autism spectrum disorder population and less inflammatory symptoms in our chronic tick-borne illnesses and autoimmune disease patients. 


What's in an orange peel?

A supplement used for many years by French women to repair varicose veins seems to have many health benefits. Hesperidin and diosmin a synergistic combination of flavonoids found in orange peel shows promise with improved microcirculation, lymphatic drainage , antioxidant and tissue healing properties.

Several studies show numerous beneficial effects upon the gastrointestinal , vascular and neurological system by increasing blood flow to the areas and blocking prostaglandins. This supplement seems to have positive effects upon microcirculation in the body. Also, Superoxide dismutase, a powerful antioxidant, was elevated with the use of diosmin and hesperidin providing free radical protection.

Other studies show promise with neurodegenerative diseases. It seems that hesperidin ameliorates MPTH (1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6 tetrahydropyridine) induced motor dysfunction and also significantly protects microglia activation reductase release of inflammatory cytokines. It is thought that neuroinflammation contributes to neurodegenerative diseases and the use of this flavonoid combination seems to have a  positive impact.

Another beneficial use currently under investigation is diosmin and hesperidin's effects upon depression and anxiety. Some studies show increased signaling of serotonin with it's use but needs further investigation.

We'll continue to trend this supplement and it's potential uses within our patient population. Food for thought!